Thursday, December 6, 2012

Those Who Cast The Votes

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."

 Josef Stalin

It would be great if everyone in government (our government leaders) were honest, full of integrity and untarnished.  Sorry, but that is not going to happen.  I am not bitter, hateful or outright distrustful of government.  It is just full of human beings.  Some are extremely arrogant, egocentric and have a type of phony righteousness about them.  Power harms them.  Power corrupts them.  But we must have government.  There is no other way. We must have government, even it it is crooked. When we find  crooked politicians, expose them....get them out.   We need to  deal with things the way they are, not the way we wish they were.  It is a tough job.  It can be confusing.   It is not an ideal world.  People need order.  Well then, how about having a theocracy? No.  We  do not need theocracies to run national governments  because there is too much false religion out there.  Religion that steals your liberty.  Religion that lies to you.  Religion making false proclamations and premises. Religion with heirarchies who claim to not have them,  or religion with too many secrets about their leaders and leadership.   The fact of the matter is that even religious leaderships can be corrupt.  Nevertheless, no leadership that claims to use the democratic process to fill its' positions need abide by the way Stalin proposed. 

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