Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Matthew Cordle's Incomplete Promise

In a Columbus, Ohio courtroom, Matthew Cordle was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison. He is the young man who gave an online video confession that he had killed a man in a drunken-driving crash. The judge also fined Cordle  $1,075 and revoked his driving privileges for life.  Cordle promised never to drink and drive.  It was an incomplete promise.  I think that it was the wrong promise.  The promise should be: "I will never drink again."  Why do I say that?  Because drinking and driving is not his problem.  Drinking is.  Drinking caused him to do things he should have never done.  Drinking is dangerous for him and others.  Driving a vehicle while he is intoxicated is just one of the dangerous things he can do.  There are many others.  He needs to never drink again.

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