Saturday, January 18, 2014

The FFRF Scares The Chancellor

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) recently had its way at the University of Wisconsin Extension. It has coerced the UW Extension chancellor to remove all Gideon Bibles from their guest rooms. All Bibles were removed By December 1, 2013. How pathetic, and truly sad. Do you not see the correlation between taking away the Word of God and taking away freedom? What has been done does not represent freedom. If you do not want to read the Bible do not read it. If you do not want to buy and drink the booze in the hotel room don't do it. If you do not want to watch television, do not turn it on. If you do not want to use the phone don't use it. Now a resident does not have the freedom to say yes or no to reading the Bible. Is it not out of view when in the room? Is it obligatory to read it? Does it pose a danger inside the room? Those responsible for removing the Gideon Bibles are blind. They do not understand what they are doing. The main thing they are doing is taking away freedom. Incidently, "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Freedom is being denied to those who are not allowed to say yes or no.

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