Monday, February 24, 2014

An Open Letter To Alec Baldwin

The best to you you Alec. So you have decided to lie low, and stay out of the public eye. Well, time will tell. You are talented. You have opinions. This is long as they are in line with the media and the entertainment industry. You had the "gall" to speak your mind, but you did not "toe the party line." Good for you. Most of your colleagues in the entertainment industry think they have a "mind of their own." I do not think so. Not when so many of them band together in support of perverted lifestyles and legislation. Go for it. Keep it up. But I suggest that you work on controlling your temper. Don't be afraid to be courteous. Thank you for quoting the Boy Scout Code. It is a good code to guide us all. It takes courage to do so. I sense that you truly want to be a good person. See if you can find these two quotes: "A soft answer turns away wrath." "He who can control his temper is greater than he who controls a city." Hint: It is found in the Book of Proverbs. Suggestion: Read all 31 chapters. They are not long but they are powerful. Much more powerful than human opinion.

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