Saturday, January 3, 2015

What We "Feel" ?

What we "feel" is definitely not always who we are. We can "feel" many things, but we best not act on all of them because we may find ourselves in serious trouble, maybe even in prison.(in more ways than one) Satan's purpose is to "steal, kill and destroy." This is what he does. The evidence is all around us. However, mentioning these things may not always be politically correct. God did not call us to be politically correct. He called us to love Him and to love others. So if a man "feels" like a horse, dog or cat, (or any other animal) this does not make him that. If a man "feels" like a woman, this does not make him a woman. Even if he decides to become one. A man can never be a woman if he was born a man. Am I going to be upset if someone does not agree with me? No, not upset, just disappointed. I also realize that not everyone agrees with the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. It must be spiritually discerned. Someone asked: "Hey, I thought I had free will, I do, don't I?" Yes, we all make choices. Do our choices have consequences or do they not? There is much more.

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