Monday, May 23, 2016

A Security Guard Does Her Job

Recently, a female security guard removed a man dressed as a woman from a women's restroom located inside of a store.  They fought. The guard's name was not given. She should be honored and given an award for doing her job: “above and beyond the call of duty.” Why that? She acted with common sense, and regarded the health and safety of women and children. We must not be taking chances of this sort. We must not allow perverts free reign. We do not live in a world where everyone is kind, considerate and respectful of others. What if on Halloween (or any other day/night) voyeuristic men who claimed to be transgender, dressed as women, and invaded women’s restrooms? This whole scenario regarding allowing men in women’s public restrooms is a misapplication of the word “discrimination.” Discrimination is not always a negative term. If a man is unable to discriminate between a toadstool and a mushroom, he can die if he eats the toadstool. With some rare exceptions, a person who is color blind (unable to discriminate between colors) is not eligible for military service, and other occupations. There is much more. Give that security guard a pay raise. She exercised proper discrimination.

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