Tuesday, April 15, 2008

On Patience

Patience is an interesting virtue. It seems everyone wants "everybody else" to practice it, yet many cannot practice it because they do not have any , or they have never been taught to practice it. Please realize that I have seen patience in action. It is beautiful. It is a dire necessity in this world and in this country. It must be taught to the young, and it must be practiced by adults. Does patience come naturally to some people? Maybe, maybe not. I know this; you cannot buy it at the store, but you need it at the store. You need it on the road, in parking lots, with your family, friends, neighbors and strangers. You need it in discussions, on the job and in most business transactions. Patience is available, it is free, but it is not cheap. You may not buy it with anything except your will. The true practice of patience is a joy. It is a joy because it is a gift from God. It is a treasure because "In your patience possess ye your souls." (Luke 21:19) Is there something more valuable than your soul? According to Jesus Christ; your soul is worth more than all the treasure on earth. Somewhere, every single day of the week, someone loses his or her life due to the lack of patience. Practice patience. Seek the giver of patience. It is called a "fruit." It is one of the fruit of the Spirit. Patience is a choice, but it is a choice that God is more than willing to assist us with. It is God's will that we practice patience. "In your patience possess ye your souls."

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