Thursday, November 6, 2008

Some Thoughts On Prop 8

I refuse to hate anyone. Hating someone is serious business. It is such serious business that it produces serious consequences. Hating someone is not against the law, but it is a sin. Being jealous of someone is not against the law, but it is a sin. Lying is a sin. Stealing is a sin. Murder is a sin. People lie, steal, cheat, attack, destroy, burn, plunder and murder. Those acts are committed on a daily basis. People suffer from those actions on a regular basis. Sometimes people are disrespected. Sometimes people suffer offenses. This may not be a crime, but to the disrespected and to the offended ; it just doesn't feel very good. Being disrespected and being offended is an experience. It is an experience that is either imagined or very actual; and the offended are usually the ones who determine that. Do you deem it unfair, inconsiderate, intolerant or an injustice if I tell you that the institution of marriage is between a man and a woman, and only between a man and a woman? Homosexuality is not only a sin against God; it is an abomination to Him. The same applies to lesbianism. The Word of God declares it. Who is offended by such statements? Those who choose to be offended are offended. Homosexuality and lesbianism are choices. They are sins, therefore they are choices. Nobody has ever been born a lesbian or a homosexual. All cognizant people are born with the ability to make choices. Matrimony is holy. Marriage is matrimony. The fact remains that marriage is between a man and a woman. This is the way God has designed it. God has designed it for sexual expression and the development of the family structure. Sex is a private matter. If two men are attracted to each other and want to have sexual intercourse with each other, it really is not any of my business. I cannot stop them. I do not agree with what they are doing because based on my faith; what they are doing is morally wrong. If they demand that they want to get married; then it becomes my business because then their actions are legally sanctioned by the government. If those actions are legally sanctioned by the government under the banner of legal marriage; then the institution of marriage is under attack. It is under attack because marriage is between a man and a woman. Homosexual and lesbian marriage; as a legitimate institution; will then be taught in the schools as a viable and legitimate alternative to marriage between a man and a woman; and it is not. It is a sin against God. This issue is not about civil rights. This issue is about a segment of the population seeking to gain the legitimacy and the sameness that God- ordained marriage currently experiences. How can this be possible? Never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever imagine that I would someday vote on an issue of this nature.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. Dominguez, You know I have nothing but respect and love for you. You are a great man, but on this issue, I disagree with you.

I do have a couple questions for you.

First, Since you believe marriage is a Religious institution, do you believe atheists or agnostics should be allowed to marry?

Second, Also since marriage was created to embrace the institution of Family, should people who refuse to have children be allowed to get married?

I believe the Government needs to get completely out of the institution of marriage. The Government should sanction civil unions for everyone. Marriage could be left to the Church while civil unions are left for the Government. But I do not believe they can both be combined. As it is now, the Church doesn't have a signature line on a marriage license, therefor the Church shouldn't have a say in who is allowed to get married and who isn't. They shouldn't be force to perform a ceremony for people who do not follow their teachings, and they aren't. The Government cannot force a Catholic Church to perform a wedding for 2 Mormons. They cannot force a Baptist church to perform a ceremony for 2 atheists, there for the cannot and will not be forced to marry gays and lesbians.

As long as the government is the group that sanctions marriage, the Church shouldn't have a say in who is allowed to be married. That is a direct violation of the 1st amendment in the Constitution.

Once again, I respect you and your beliefs, but I do not agree with your stance on this issue