Saturday, February 14, 2009

One Of The Best Gifts From Parents

There is an old saying I heard a long time ago: "If you give me a fish; I can eat for one day; if you teach me how to fish, I can eat for the rest of my life." It seems that I have come across a great amount of lazy people. To meet someone who really likes to work is pretty special. How did they get that way? Why do they like to work? Why are they responsible? Why are they seldom late or absent from work? What is it that motivates them? Why the motivation? I think most of us can answer those questions. They were taught to be that way. They were encouraged to be that way. They were rewarded for being that way. They were loved for being that way. So who did those things for them? Probably their parents (or parent). Parents can leave their children wealth, property, and many things of material value. However, if their children were never taught the importance of being a hard worker; those "children" could possibly have a very difficult time when they become adults. It seems that hard and smart workers are always in demand.

1 comment:

verobl said...

This is so true. My parents showed me at a very young age that if i want something, i have to be able to work for it. When i was young my parents couldn't provide some of the things that i wanted because they were popular so i decided to get a part time job and when i learned how hard you had to work to make so little money, i decided to work even harder in school. Right now i consider to have a large blessing thanks to god and to my parents who showed me to be hard working and responsible and that with hard work comes rewards and satisfaction and pride of what you have accomplished. I totally agree that if you are not shown these things, you don't learn how to value and have this emptyness inside.
