Monday, February 2, 2009

"That Is Just The Way I Am"

"That is just the way I am, thats' just me, you know how I am." And the list goes on and on. What do I say to that? I say: Baloney! Particularly when someone does something extremely rude, inappropriate, or injurious; and then defends his/her actions by responding with such blather. People make choices. Every action (not necessarily a reaction) is a result of a choice. This means people selected to execute certain actions. "That is just the way I am." Okay. Just remember this: Our inconsiderate words and actions produce consequences. "Thats' just the way I am" will not forge an escape from consequences. Sometimes those consequences are dire. I know we all make mistakes. I know because I have made plenty, and there has been plenty to pay. Have you ever heard the words: "He knew what he was doing." Or, "That is no excuse, he knows better." It sort of confirms what I am talking about. All of us are in need of compassion and forgiveness. I am in favor of it. But do we scrape away the layers of nonsensical justifications first; and then forgive; or do we forgive first and then start scraping?

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