Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do You Want To Be Busy?

Maybe not everyone agrees with that old saying that goes: "Busy hands are happy hands." I realize that making a living and just trying to survive takes up most of our time. Perhaps there are many adults out there who are being supported by their parents or the government. Some people just do not like to work. Some people are just lazy. Laziness is a serious problem. Laziness is a disease. Laziness is a sin. Please do not permit yourself to suffer such an affliction. Laziness is selfishness. Laziness is non-productive. If you have an income and you are self-indulgent and bored; then start helping someone. Volunteer at a hospital. Volunteer at a school or Church. Visit the shut-ins and/or the elderly. I am not suggesting that you take someone's job away. I am suggesting that you help somebody. I am suggesting that you do good. I am suggesting that you tutor children or help a child improve his/her ability to play a sport. I guarantee you, that if you are in the business of helping others: you will be busy. People need help everywhere. Volunteerism helped to make this nation the great nation that it is. Volunteering has great rewards. Go for it.

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