Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hard Work

The ability to perform hard work is something that needs to be taught.  It can be taught many ways. However, teaching by example is probably the best method.  It can be forced, but that can be risky.  It should be rewarded but not too much and not too soon.  Hard work represents greatness.  Hard work represents love.  Hard work is a precursor to great accomplishments and success.  How may the latter be experienced without it?   I have selected a few quotes about hard work.  I believe they are true, and that they contain motivating factors.

"I do not know anyone who has gotten to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but it will get you pretty near." Margaret Thatcher

"Love conquers all, but if love doesn't do it, try hard work." Unknown

"If the power to do hard work is not a skill, it's the best possible substitute for it." James A. Garfield

"When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity." Steve Pavlina

"There is no substitute for hard work." Thomas Alva Edison

"Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top."  J.C. Penney

"I learned the value of hard work by working hard."  Margaret M. Fitzpatrick

"Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win."  Nadia Comaneci

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."  David Bly

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