Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What Is Your Value?

What if a car engine was only able to allow the car that it is in to travel one-fourth of a mile per gallon of gasoline? Would you like to own that car? If you would like to own it, I doubt that you would drive it very often. Machines require maintenance, power, and trained people to be able to operate them. Machines serve a purpose. They are designed for productivity and to make life more comfortable. From the point of view of economics, when a machine is more costly to maintain and operate than what it produces or provides, then the owner of that machine ceases to use it. This is common sense. What about people? Well, they have intrinsic value. Intrinsic value? Does this mean that individuals have no need to be productive human beings? I know that people are not machines. However, if people are not trained/taught to be productive, we are in serious trouble. Please check this quote by Martin H. Fischer, a German-born American physician and author.......... "A machine has value only as it produces more than it consumes, so check your value to the community. "

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