Monday, June 5, 2017

Adopt That Country, Love It

Adopt that country. It is now  your country. Become patriotic. Why? Because safety, non-starvation, peace and respect are connected. But they are also connected to a place. That place is the nation of refuge. And that nation deserves your respect/patriotism. You reap the benefits of what attracted you to that country on the condition that you do what you are able to do to maintain the conditions that allow those benefits to continue.  And when we come to live in a country, we embrace that country. When I speak of benefits, I refer mainly to the benefits of survival, freedom, opportunity for employment, education, movement and safety. All of the aforementioned have their conditions, limitations and responsibilities. All under the umbrella of respect for the laws of the land. If the laws are not obeyed, disorder follows. Extreme disorder is followed by anarchy. England is a great nation. If it is not watchful, it can be destroyed by a political movement that disguises itself as a religion.   RD

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