Saturday, June 10, 2017

The 7th Judge Wins.......Eventually

It is impossible for a male human (or human male) to give birth.  But it is not impossible for a confused woman, who has chosen to portray herself as a man, to get pregnant. She says she is a man, but she is not. She is participating in a masquerade.  She needs to "come out" as a woman.  That is what she is. What about freedom to live your life as you choose?  Yes, what about it?  I declare to you that this is a fight between freedom and truth.  At this point it is a draw.  The 6 judges are still negotiating.  Their names are Nonsense, Disrespect, Foolishness, Confusion, Selfishness and Deception.  The 6 judges are being called to come to a decision.  They are having a hard time. Therefore, without being called, a 7th judge needs to mediate.  His name is Righteous.  He has an attractive secretary.  Her name is Public Opinion.  She depends on him but he does not depend on her because he does not care for one of her friends who  really likes her.  He courts her.  His name is Media. Righteous knows that Media has tremendous potential. But Media abuses it, because he is weak.  He hangs out with the 6 judges excessively. They influence him too much, and sometimes they even get drunk together. The 7th judge is sober.  He is always sober.  He is always Righteous. In a very righteous way, Righteous loves his secretary because she is the public and not because she has an opinion.  Righteous continues to observe the fight between Freedom and Truth.  It is the 15th round of this fight.  Truth is on the ropes, he is being battered by Freedom.  Truth refuses to hit the canvas.  How many rounds is this fight, anyway?.....................  That is not known.

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