Monday, July 13, 2009

My Trip To Gettysburg Was Great

Many thanks to my friends who inquired about my trip to Gettysburg. It was such a memorable experience. I studied at the Civil War Institute of Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania for my third time. The CWI was started in 1983 by Professor Gabor Boritt, a noted Lincoln and Civil War scholar and historian. This year the main theme was "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" and "The Life of Mary Todd Lincoln." I learned that there was a conspiracy to assassinate the 16th President. This conspiracy developed the moment John Wilkes Booth heard a speech by Lincoln that encouraged the idea of allowing educated Blacks to vote. Someone heard Booth say: "That is the last speech he will ever make." I visited Ford's Theatre where Booth shot Lincoln on the night of April 14, 1865. The President died the next morning at 7:22. He died at the Peterson House. A place I also visited. I took a photo of the bed where Lincoln died. Twelve days after Lincoln's death; Booth was surrounded in a burning tobacco barn in the state of Virginia. He was shot through the neck. What a President Lincoln was! I have much more to say about my trip. There will be a part two.

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