Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tebow Praying

Everyone who mocks, judges and criticizes the way Tim Tebow prays should read Matt. 6:5 and 6:6 for greater understanding. Jesus was telling people not to pray in public "to be seen of men." He was not prohibiting public prayer. Tebow is not praying to be seen of men. He is praying to give praise and thanks. He is praying for focus, and to do his best. The football field does not have "rooms and doors." Critics need the Holy Ghost for greater illumination. The Bible says in "everything give thanks." Rooms and doors are not required. Jesus knows what He is talking about. Jesus is God. "Cherry picking" scripture in order to condemn someone's actions is both foolish and mean spirited. It is an attempt to justify unfair, unfounded and inaccurate accusations.

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