Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The USA is a blessed nation. It was started by men and women who believed the Word of God. The problem with the United States today is that it has a great deal of religion but it does not have enough people who know the Word of God. The Word of God must be studied. Please believe that candle lighting and "religious procedures" can never be an adequate substitute for the knowledge and the practice of the Word of God. I could write volumes about this subject. Today I will keep it short. Abraham Lincoln was a great President. Did he have a great deal of formal education? No. What did he have that contributed to his greatness? He had one book as a youngster. The Bible. With this book he learned how to read. Where do you think he acquired his wit, patience and wisdom? Where did he acquire his love for humanity? I would like every reader of this comment to read Psalm 119. Every single verse pertains to the power of the Word of God. We do not need religion. We need knowledge of the Word of God. Bible believing Christians need to preach in the streets of our great country. The Word of God needs to get out there. We need people to be on fire for Jesus. HE IS THE WORD. HE IS THE WORD MADE FLESH. It is indeed a joyous season. But how can we be on fire for Jesus if we do not know His Word? Jesus is God.

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