Thursday, August 8, 2013

Some Thoughts About Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda has been an actress for many years.  During the Vietnam War, she was an anti-war activist.  She earned the nickname "Hanoi Jane."  To this day, many hate her for what she did.  I do not appreciate what she did.  She did what she thought was the proper thing to do.  I refuse to carry the burden of hatred for her.  Forgiveness is a Christian trait and a commandment from the Lord.  Has she asked for forgiveness?  I do not know.  Maybe she thinks she did nothing wrong.  If I take time to investigate, I can possibly find out.  Nevertheless, it is still between God and her.  As you may recall, there were many, many war protesters.  Jane Fonda was high profile.  Since she commiserated with the enemy, I have wondered at times, why she was never arrested for treason.  I am not going to concern myself with it.  The Vietnam War was an unpopular war.  Nevertheless, I refuse to disrespect any veteran (living or dead) of that war who answered his nation's call and completed his responsibilities honorably.  He has my respect and my gratitude.  And what of those who came home seriously injured, blind, some with missing limbs, and serious mental problems.  The government has remembered them.  So do I.  Please.....thank a veteran.  And also remember, it does nobody any good to hate Jane Fonda.

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