Monday, October 31, 2011

Tebow Can Handle It

Tim Tebow can handle the pressure. He just is not a perfect person. He is not a one man team for the Denver Broncos. Every NFL football team is supposed to have eleven players on the team. Tebow is not Superman. He needs his offensive line to block for him. Who is mainly at fault when a quarterback gets sacked? Is it not the offensive line? They need to just give him enough time. Why all of the verbal abuse against him? I know why.......jealousy. Why don't his critics attend a University that is a football power and earn Heisman Trophies? Tebow has proven already what he is capable of doing. He is, however, a member of a team. A team works together on that athletic field. Football is not golf, boxing or tennis. it is a team sport.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Dad, since you are such a fan, you should check out this site dedicated to your favorite Bronco...

Love you!!