Saturday, October 1, 2011

"We are not happy until you are not happy"

He could have been a gay activist or an environmentalist. Maybe he was angry about a political decision that was made that he did not agree with. Maybe he was mad at his boss and wanted better benefits. "We are not happy until you are not happy," was written on a man's tee-shirt. He looked dissatisfied. His face matched what his tee-shirt said. Some people just do not realize that slogans are very limited when it comes to societal change. When slogans insult somebody then the message is just an example of our right to express ourselves. Not much more. If we want change, we need to be "convincers," not just "expressers." The man's tee-shirt did not give me enough information, and I did not request any. In my own mind, I did jump to conclusions, however. I assumed that what ever he was campaigning for; I did not agree with. Obviously I did not have enough information to agree or disagree. However, two things affected me immediately: the message on his shirt, and the look on his face. That was enough. I prefer not to receive angry messages from angry people.

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