Friday, February 22, 2013

The Justin Beiber Murder Plot, And Some Advice

I am not a fan of Justin Beiber.  I have never heard him sing.  I know that he is famous and apparently talented, young, handsome and rich.  He has a beautiful, talented, famous and young girlfriend.   Apparently this is all  that was needed to feed an insane jealousy that caused a prisoner to make a phone call to two accomplices, so that they could kidnap, murder and castrate (with hedge clippers) Justin Bieber.  I do not usually pay much attention to this kind of drama.  But this is outrageous.  It reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:  "Leave people alone, and go get your own." In this great nation, in this land of opportunity, many things can be accomplished.  Opportunities abound.  If one makes up his mind, and is determined to do so, a person can become wealthy.  But.........he or she must pay the price.  I have ministered to the encarcerated for over 33 years.  This is what I would tell the young men involved in the plot:

"Everybody makes mistakes.  You guys let the big bad "J" get into your mind and dominate you.  The J crept into your heart first, and you nurtured it.  So, what is the big bad J?  It is something that you have allowed to control your destiny.  It is the "rage of a man."  It is commonly called.......jealousy.  It is one of the ugliest monsters on this planet.  It has caused people to do insane things.  What is the cure for this sickness, this monstrosity?  It is the other "J."  Listen to this J, not the previous one.  Seek this J.  Love this J. Want this J.  Get to know this J real good.  He wants what is best for you.  He wants life for you, not death. He wants you to be really happy, not miserable.  He has all of the power, and He loves you like nobody can ever love you.  He wants you to live forever in glory.  His name is Jesus. He is the only God you will ever see. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. He is the almighty.  Give him your life.  Give him your future.  You will never be sorry.  Pray with me right now."

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