Monday, February 18, 2013

World Peace? Come On, Get Serious

The desire for world peace is a noble one.  "World peace"...... it sure sounds good.  Are you the world?  I am not being sarcastic.  Of course you are the world .  We are the world.  We live here don't we?  There is a saying that I have not heard in a long time.  "Peace begins with me."   No  person, no political leader  from this earth is capable of bringing to us world peace.  Some of the people  I know who speak of world peace are actually violent.  Some have ongoing feuds with their neighbors and/or relatives.  Their attitudes, words and actions actually represent an antithesis of their philosophy.  Change is good, if it is an improvement.  I have said this before, in other blogs, because I really feel strongly about it. It is a maxim.  I do not have any idea when or where I heard it.  Here it is:  "If you want to make a better world, then make yourself a better person, and then the world is automatically improved."  Sometimes I think that those people who are constantly complaining because we do not have world peace are avoiding the real issue.  They concentrate on "world problems" so they can ignore, and therefore, not deal with their personal issues such as bad tempers, unhappy marriages, unruly children, bills and other financial problems, drug and alcohol related problems, broken friendships, marital and family problems, and other people-related problems at work and socially.  World peace?  Great.  Let us start this way:  Bring peace into your heart.  When that happens.......look out, because great things will start happening!  Now you'll respond:  "Yeah, but how?  Easy, just find the Prince of Peace.  Peace is His specialty.  (at least one of them)

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