Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Response to an atheist

Henry  wrote a letter to a news outlet and in it he wrote that if there is a God, he is "stupid" and "cruel."  Some atheists are real thinkers who try their best to present logic and reasoning for why "God does not exist."  Of course they fail.  However, other atheists are downright nasty, insulting and rude.  God had an answer for all atheists:  "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."  Here is my response to Henry:  (I realize it is preachy and in the form of a testimony.  Well.....the gospel is preached through testimony)

Wrong on both points Henry, Jesus is God. God is love. God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and eternal. I love Jesus. He is my Lord and Saviour. Jesus is the mighty God. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. Repent, Henry. Give Jesus your life. Read the Bible. For starters read Isa.9:6; John 3:16; Mark 16;15,16 and Rom. 10:9. Life is serious business, and these opportunities to share the Gospel are blessings from God.

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