Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stephen Hawking's Decision

Stephen Hawking chose not to attend a function of academicians, scholars and scientists  to be held in Israel, due to his support of a Palestinian boycott of the conference. This is unfortunate. Such a poor choice.
Hawkings does have some serious health issues that make traveling difficult. However, he is probably aware that if he will be dealing with academicians from Israel, he will be dealing with some "heavyweights." He too, is brilliant. He should take on the challenge and not be bitter, or jealous of anyone. Also, I am sure that he is intelligent enough to understand that the Palestinians have been given ample opportunity to establish workable solutions regarding their disagreements with Israel. However, Palestinians want a "non-option," which translated, means the non-existence of Israel. This is not going to happen. Israel just wants to survive, and it wants peace.  Hawking is an atheist, therefore he probably does not believe the Word of God as written through the inspiration  of King David:  "I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war."  (Ps. 120:7)

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