Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Response To Chelsea Clinton Re Same Sex Marriage

Chelsea Clinton stated: "It just seems so fundamental to me," while referring to "marriage equality."  Because I believe same sex marriage is forbidden by God.  Here is my response to Chelsea.
          How can it be "marriage equality" when men and women are different genders? Same sex marriage is debauchery. It has absolutely nothing to do with equality, civil rights or justice. I cannot stop it, but I will never, ever agree with it. "It just seems so fundamental to me," Chelsea Clinton said. Is not "fundamental" something consistent through the ages, Chelsea? Fundamental? No human being has ever been conceived as a result of same sex intimacy. Now, that is fundamental. How can a so-called educated person make such a statement? I just have two questions: Are we a higher authority than our maker? Are we wiser than He? Ideally, no human being anywhere should ever be mistreated. This issue has nothing to do with the mistreatment of anyone. The proponents of this lifestyle have one main goal: They want legitimacy for their lifestyle. Is it not extremely naive? Were the thousands of societies that existed before us, that never condoned such a thing, all ignorant and bigoted? Are we more just than they? Will same sex marriage cause the culture to thrive? Will it benefit the long standing institutions of society?

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