Sunday, May 12, 2013

Elitist, Atheist Scientists And People Of Faith

Recently, I read an article defending science and lambasting religion, and people of faith.  The writer equated faith with ignorance and atheism with reason.  First, I do not like the word "religion" because it confuses things. Science is science, and I am certainly not against it. It is a system of investigation and observation designed to find answers in the natural world.  God created the natural world.  He created all natural laws.  He can break them if He wants to.  And at times......He has.  I do not see science to be at odds with God and His Word.  It is just that science is not able to do what God can do.  It is that simple. The Word of God provides answers. By faith, people then accept the Word as real. The Word of God is powerful. It gives society guidelines for living. It motivates, encourages, guides, instructs, corrects, and inspires. I do not remember ever seeing a scientist doing miracles. Jesus does miracles.....even today. It does not matter to me that I will be aligned with the "ignorant masses" for believing in Jesus. Scientists are unable to accomplish what many people of faith have accomplished, but they comfort themselves by calling us ignorant. Incidently, many people on this planet have not received much of a formal education. Does that mean that they do not matter? There is a great deal more to discuss regarding this topic.  Why?  Because a man without a formal education, but who has faith,  can be more powerful than an atheist with advanced degrees.  I know of an unlettered man who walked on water.  He could have walked longer except he began to depend on the conclusive evidence "provided by science" instead of depending on his faith in Jesus.  His name was Peter.

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