Friday, November 23, 2012

Tomorrow I Turn 70

If God permits, tomorrow I will turn 70 years of age.  I feel a sense of relief.  It is a landmark.  It is less than 4 hours away.  I am so grateful to God.  This would not have happened without Him. I am grateful to my wife and children for all the work and preparation to make my 70th birthday party possible.  God bless them all.  The party will be really special.   I am grateful for all my friends and relatives who will be attending.  Thank you all.  There won't be any liquor served at my party.  But there will be a good time to be had.  Jesus will be there.  He is the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the best "wine" I have ever had the privilege of drinking.  I have been serving God for 37 years.  I have not had a bad day in 37 years.  Oh, please do not misunderstand.  I have had some unpleasant moments.  I have had some serious challenges.  But a bad day?  No way.  And I do not expect any bad days in the future.  One day, at work, some guy called me "Pollyanna."  It was a perfect opportunity to quote scripture to him.  The Word of God is not just ink and paper.  The Word of God is alive.  It is "Spirit and truth."  The Word of God is God.  "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us."   His promises are real.  God cannot lie.  He is holy.  He said to me: (and to all who believe) "I will never leave you nor forsake you." He said much, much more.  As I said before: God cannot lie.  He is holy.  Not only that:  Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. Jesus is the best. The best to all of you.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!!

xo, Angie