Monday, November 26, 2012

Truth Is Serious Business

Truth is serious business.  Sometimes the problem with it is that it must not be told because it could damage the reputation of someone.  It could anger someone.  It could injure someone.  Sometimes it is not our responsibility to share truths that are injurious.  But sometimes it is our responsibility, if it is for the greater good.  Truth is very important.  It is a double edged sword that can cut both ways.  Politicians sometimes play with it.  Husbands and wives seek it.  Close friends sometimes hide it.  Acquaintances sometimes fish for it.  Unfortunately, sometimes truth is slanderous.  Sometimes it is gossip.  If it is gossip, is it true?  If it is gossip, should it be repeated?  No.  If it is going to get out there, do not let it be through you.  Please remember that there are people out there that are scandal mongers.  Sometimes they are called "busybodies."  The irony about them is that the very thing that they need is the truth.   But they are not seeking the truth.  They are seeking "a truth."  They are seeking information to manipulate in order to judge someone.  However, the truth eventually comes out about them.  The truth is good.  "A truth" is not necessarily bad or evil.  But for my purposes, in this discourse, I differentiate between the two.  The truth is fair.  The truth is kind.  It is complete.   A truth is not.  It is incomplete.  It can be misunderstood, therefore people often add the "missing parts."  Yes, I know, sometimes "the truth hurts."  But it also helps.  It breaks down barriers.  It helps in the pursuit of understanding and enlightenment.  The truth is.  It just is.  Elvis Presley once made a quote about the endurance of the truth.  "Truth is like the sun.  You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."  Truth is precious.  Some say that it is the only thing worth having.  I am convinced that at the root of broken relationships, divorce, ended friendships and the like, was that people were not truthful with each other.  Why?  Because the greatest test, the greatest bond between people is the truth between them.  You might say no..... it is love.  I understand what you mean.  How can I disagree?  I will disagree this way:  Where there is no truth, there is no love.  Truth is the forerunner of love.  Truth is serious business.

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